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Item Code: SD-20L-W1/2-FV

Water Tank - 20Lt. With Float Valve

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Regular price: £49.89 ( Exclude VAT )
Water Tank - 20Lt. With Float Valve £47.40
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These plastic water tanks are produced from raw materials ABS (Akrilonitril Butadien Stiren) for cage systems,

A strong and long lasting use with bacterial barrier,

This 20 litre water tank is fitted with a 1/2" tank connector and the float valve connects to the water pipe and valve controls the water level, making checking the water level easy.

The external scale allows the water levels to be easily checked,

This tank is ideal for: caged birds, show cages, small poultry houses, breeding pen and administering medication,

This water tank can come together with an automatic drinking kit and also works well with all variety of automatic drinkers.
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These plastic water tanks are produced from raw materials ABS (Akrilonitril Butadien Stiren) for cage systems,

A strong and long lasting use with bacterial barrier,

This 20 litre water tank is fitted with a 1/2" tank connector and the float valve connects to the water pipe and valve controls the water level, making checking the water level easy.

The external scale allows the water levels to be easily checked,

This tank is ideal for: caged birds, show cages, small poultry houses, breeding pen and administering medication,

This water tank can come together with an automatic drinking kit and also works well with all variety of automatic drinkers.